3 Facebook Marketing Strategies for a Tight Budget

Facebook Marketing Strategies

Facebook has continued to be the number one spot where friends connect and share online.  It is the reigning champion of social media sites.  Facebook has grown into a venue for businesses to market themselves through engagement and interaction with customers and self-promotion, more than being just a meeting place for friends.  In this post we will look at the 3 Facebook Marketing Strategies for a Tight Budget that you can be able to use.

The first thing that you need to do is make the most of your Facebook business page.  A Facebook fan page is a huge free marketing instrument for businesses. These pages allow businesses recognize themselves, not just throughout listing product hand-outs and services, but also by distributing status updates,links, pictures, and announcements on their Facebook pages to offer a better intellect of a business’s individuality and nature.  Make use of the 3 Facebook Marketing Strategies for a Tight Budget to develop your brand as well as your human side.  On Facebook, you do not need to be afraid of being funny; here you loosen the tie a little bit.

You may also decide to post a video showing some of your brands in action whereby your fans will know your brand personality.  You should also consider what your key audience would like to see.  If you have a link, images or even videos, share them with your audience as long as they are connected to your business and you think they are something that your target audience would enjoy.  The other 3 Facebook Marketing Strategies for a Tight Budget is to use Facebook Advertising; Classic Ads.  Facebook usually offers advertising with Facebook ads that appear in the side columns of the Facebook site.  These ads are mostly referred to as marketplace Ads.

The last 3 Facebook Marketing Strategies for a Tight Budget is hosting Facebook contestsBy running Facebook contents, promotions, sweepstakes, etc, is another Facebook marketing approach that can raise followers and brand awareness.  You must also be aware that it is not possible to conduct a contest on Facebook itself, you will be require to use the services of a third party app for creating your Facebook contest, then you can go ahead and direct consumers to the app from their Facebook page.

Your Turn:

What is your Facebook marketing strategy? We’d love to hear your thoughts.