Learn How Social Networking Changed the Internet

Learn How Social Networking Changed the Internet | Social Networking Services

Social networking platforms have become a significant part of our modern life. Social media have changed the way we look at the world and it has contributed in creation of a new world where we can express our opinion and share it with our peers and friends. It gives a wide scope to everybody to express and share ideas, thoughts and feeling as they wish. To appreciate how social networking changed the internet the entire credit for this achievement should be given tovisionaries who used technology to develop these social networking platforms.

Some of the impacts of social media platforms are as follows:

  • Social media has become the main source of the news world and news channels are giving consistent updates of happening from all over the world. Social media makes news more accessible and it is shared around the networks in no time.
  • Interaction between users in social media platforms have grown immensely and people are able to keep in contact regularly and more intimately because of space and time constraints. People across the world can communicate effortlessly which gives them an opportunity to experience different cultures of the world.
  • Social media in recent years have rewritten many political landscapes by creating political awareness. It has played an important role in US elections, Iran elections and has greatly inspired the political unrest in Egypt.
  • Social media platforms play an important role in fostering literacy and education. Children who are using these platforms at an early age develop excellent communication skills and become more literate. This encouraging trend is only because of social media and the immense availability of information.
  • Social media has changed the whole concept of marketing for the business world and it has become more customers oriented through interaction over social media platforms. Business houses are now able to understand the needs of the market from the market itself.

There are so many ways on how social networking changed the internet and the above five are among the most significant. Social media is here to stay and has a firm place in our future and the capabilities of these interactive platforms will keep on growing which cannot be predicted.

1 comment

  1. Interesting article, and I think you’re right about social networking being around for a long time to come.

    What’s hard to imagine is what the next big thing will be. When myspace was at it’s peak, who would’ve dreamt that facebook was just round the corner. Now with facebook and twitter leading the way in social networking, it’s hard to imagine who or what could topple them!?

    Or is it a case that we’ve now found the leaders in this relatively new enterprise and they are now going to dominate, much as microsoft and apple have done.

    Interesting times are ahead!

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