5 Ways to Prevent Online Reputation Ruin Your Business

5 Ways to Prevent Online Reputation Ruin Your Business

Needless to mention, your reputation decides your success in business. Well, it doesn’t matter whether you work for a corporation or you are an entrepreneur; whether you are a salesperson; or whether you work for an MNC – it holds true for each one of us. Reputation is everything.

While you would like to focus mostly on how to build your reputation, it is equally important to know ways to prevent your reputation, especially online reputation, ruin in business.

Discussed below are five things you should not do so as to save your online reputation in the business.

  1. Being late

Of course, punctuality matters. Remember that being late indicates a lack of respect towards the people you are meeting with. While there are exceptions, when unpunctuality becomes the norm, you are likely to earn a negative image with your potential customers; ultimately, this could turn out to be a deal breaker.

  1. Over-promising & under-delivering

Whenever you set or accept a deadline, fulfil it. It is always a better idea to under promise so that whenever needed, you can over deliver. Make sure you don’t miss your deadlines on a consistent basis.

Don’t forget that your word should be in your control. It is as simple as this – if you give it, you should keep it! In case things are beyond your control making it impossible to live up to your word, reach out and tell them you are going to be late even before you are late. Obviously, missing deadlines consistently is a careless way of treating your reputation.

  1. Overemotional reactions

There are downsides in every business; however, it is how exactly you react that decides on whether it turns out to become a crisis or not. When you choose to react emotionally rather than patiently working through a situation logically, you tend to risk spoiling your business relationships.

While it is critical to bring your heart, emotion, soul and energy in line with every project you undertake, you have to do that with balance & without overreacting.

  1. Engage in gossip

Who likes a gossip? Well, no one. When you seem to talk about others behind their back, the one you are speaking to probably thinks, “Gee, I wonder what this guy speaks behind my back?”

Be careful of the words you choose when you are talking about someone who is not around. If you indulge in gossip, you are totally ruining your reputation and the way people feel about you and doing business with you.

  1. Poor social media manners

It is crucial that you maintain a highly professional image on social media at all times. Bear in mind that social media helps develop your business. It facilitates connections with people worldwide and hence, you should be very mindful of your words and behaviour on social media. Never use this amazing platform as an outlet for you all your little frustrations in life.

From the above points, it is clear that your reputation is a pure reflection of your character. Your character affects your reputation and in turn, your reputation impacts your brand. What’s more, your brand affects the decisions of people of whether or not to do any business with you. It is as simple as that.