How to Deal With Negative Reviews on Social Media

How to Deal With Negative Reviews on Social Media

Social media is indeed a veritable boon for marketers but at the same time social media, if handled ineptly, can cause more harm than help to your business.

There could be angry online reviewers who will malign your business and dub your products defective or your services unsatisfactory. To derive optimum benefits from social media, you must learn the art of dealing with negative comments/reviews.

Negative comments can at times prove to be a blessing in disguise. If you promptly remedy the situation, the disgruntled customer will turn a loyal supporter and be the source for additional business and help you obtain new customers.

Everything will work in your favor if you adopt the right etiquette when responding to negative feedback on social media.

It is increasingly common in today’s scenario for businesses to be faced with adverse criticism online. If you believe the review is misleading or not from a genuine customer, you can contact the review site to have it removed. However, this is more easily said than done.

Sites like Google Places and Yelp have rigid standards that do not encourage removing reviews as they are forums for users to share both positive and negative opinions. They don’t arbitrate disputes and more often than not, they leave the reviews untouched.

Most sites have rules for responses, and you are advised to read the site rules that apply to you. Each site also has its specific rules for reviewers, and you should read these to help decide if a negative review is permitted.

Many business owners get upset or angry when they read a negative bad review – after all everybody is human. An adverse bad review is not good for your business but remember the maxim that customers are always right. A discourteous, aggressive or flippant response from you will damage your reputation furthermore. Be cool-headed, polite and professional when handling negative reviews.

Speak to the customer and get his side of the story, and communicate privately with the reviewer to find out more details. If the product supplied is defective, promptly replace it without needlessly arguing with the complainant.

Respond to each review publicly, addressing the issues while maintaining a professional tone. This will send a positive, robust signal that you care about your customers. You can also choose to respond privately, but doing that will not allow potential clients to hear your side of the story.

By responding your views positively and offering a credible solution, you give the reviewer an opportunity to change their attitude towards your business.