Many people do not understand how to use twitter as part of their social media marketing strategy. How do you communicate a media message in 140 characters? How effective can twitter be when people receive 40 to 100 tweets every 30 to 60 seconds? Can twitter be the only online web 2.0 network in your social media strategy?
Let us work backwards and begin with the last question first; can Twitter be used effectively by itself? The answer to this question is no. Twitter marketing must be used in conjunction with other social media services, blogs and websites to create a well rounds multilevel online marketing strategy. It is all about using twitter to design buzz around some tools or content you developed.
Like other social media networks, Twitter works best when you are referencing or offering something that is FREE. Small businesses cannot tweet direct marketing messages and expect to be successful. You need to provide a lot of useful web 2.0 content, like tips, links to articles, videos etc. Your marketing message must be wrapped within the content.
How effective can Twitter be with so many Tweets being sent? Yes, the people active in Twitter are getting a lot of Tweets and as a result your advertising message has to be of interest to your followers to get noticed. There are a lot of direct messages and useless information floating around Twitter as noise.
You need to rise above that noise by providing attention grabbing online headlines that promise quality content. Again, do not waste you energy with a direct marketing message, because it will just get absorbed in the noise. Begin the social tweets with words like; FREE, article, video and new blog post. These words will get looked more frequently then any potential network marketing message, so include these words within your content rich message for the best results. You need to get noticed to get read.
How do you communicate a message in 140 characters? Well, this is the reason I started that Twitter cannot be the only online social network in your strategy. It would be difficult to get your full marketing message out if this was the only medium you were using.
If you have a blog, articles and video produced on a topic you can use Twitter as a broadcast system to tell people about the online content. Stick to the original reason why Twitter was developed; to tell people what you are up to.
If you use Twitter to broadcast a message about your new content and offer something for Free it can be very effective at driving traffic. The 140 characters you have are enough to tell people about the other work you are doing on other social media platforms and within your market.
Just remember not to directly market to your twitter followers. Use your blog, photos, articles and videos to further strengthen your content message and keep your network marketing to areas where people will visit if they like your content; such as your website, signature files, author bios and your video description area. Simply use Twitter to get people to those online areas.
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