One of the most intimidating challenges is to create content that generates shares and wholly engages your target audience.
It’s all very well writing fresh content and posting it on your blog but if you have not spent time knowing your customers’ attitude then how do you know if your new blog is relevant, and more importantly your customers want to share or engage with it?
The ugly truth is that by taking pains to grasp your customers, you are much more likely to be able to offer them with content that they need to read and share.
Again, if they see the actual value in your content, then they are more likely to revisit and share your content and also carefully follow you.
It was significantly easier in the earlier days when social media and blogging were less popular. Social media has grown tremendously in recent times, and content has also risen from written words to audio, images to videos.
We are today immersed in a broad range of content, and the online world is progressively getting to be busier and noisier. This, obviously, implies it’s getting harder to get your content heard in a crowded and saturated marketplace.
The one question often asked is – how do you create content that engages the audience and viewed by potential customers? The truth is that there are many variables to creating engaging content, but you must exercise your imagination and creativity and also research what appeals to your audience.
Before you start creating fresh content, it’s necessary to spend some time studying how your existing content has been performing. As with any marketing activity, it’s important to measure the results of your content writing efforts to see what works and what doesn’t.
The heartening fact is there are lots of simple online measuring tools and techniques that can tell you whether the content you have created so far has been successful and if there had been any flaws.
One simple thing is to find out how many shares did your previous posts receive? Determine the specific social networks to know which one gives you the maximum shares. These findings will also help you with your content marketing activities
Sadly, most people focus more time on writing the post and little time in actually promoting it. You must understand if the post generated more shares as a result of you spending extra time developing it. Find out of your post received any comments and what has been the reader sentiment.
You must incorporate Calls to Action (CTA) into your posts. Study whether your audience acted upon your CTAs.