How to Use PPC Marketing to Make Content Go Viral

How to Use PPC Marketing to Make Content Go Viral

You do not have to spend endless hours on publishing content. There is an efficient way to get your content out there using PPC(Pay-Per-Click).

There is today a whole new world of possibilities for making content go viral. People have been using PPC marketing for PR and content promotion with great success, and with minimal investment you can generate huge rewards for your campaigns.

People-Based Marketing has now become the order of the day. People-based marketing is all based on getting down into audience segments to the point where you can almost target particular individuals with your online promotional ads.

You can target specific individuals with your ads, but you must use this outstanding facility only with good intentions and never for mischief. In fact some marketers that played a prank misusing this feature paid a high price.

But we now have this ability to target individuals based on their employment, income, age, location, interests, past purchases, etc. This facility has verily opened the doors to a whole new world of online PR.

It virtually makes PPC function a lot more like email marketing – you know who you’re promoting your online content to instead of putting it out there to a lot of unknown people.

Advances in online marketing technology have enabled us to automate so many tedious and time-consuming processes.

If you’ve created an excellent piece of online content and want to share it with influencers. Scout around for emails and Twitter handles and other contact info you can use to reach out to people.

Instead of drafting a formal letter people can immediately smell as a mass communication better spend time personalizing your pitches.

This way you can catch the interest of at least a few individuals, without needlessly annoying them to the point they resent hearing from you again.

You can create content and share it on social media channels, including my Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ at a wrong time and receive no attention.

Instead, create a custom list of influencers in Twitter Ads. It’s even better on Facebook, where you can grab attention by layering demographics on top of lists. Targeting folks on your list with specific job titles and interests will further improve targeting.

You can inexpensively put your story in front of journalists, industry experts, and people with a significant social following. Your online marketing content shows up in their news feed where it is difficult to miss. Of course, those people can then either click through and read and share your story with their networks.